I had the opportunity to become normal and rich, but I missed it because I saw Flashdance, no matter how cliché that is. A bit later I sold all my belongings to study contemporary dance in Varna after 20 years in Budapest. It turned out that I should learn first how to take the right bus to a country where ballet and go-go dance are known as different dance forms.
Some days I was an overdressed setting on a stage of the most snobbish disco considered as not sexy enough to shake my „forms” as my colleagues did. Some other days I was training with the Varna Opera Ballet, making another "impossible" thing possible.
I have double nationality. Bulgarians know how to live in the moment, so my happiness is pre-ordained. Hungarians know how to stay always unsatisfied, so my motivation for continuous personal development is guaranteed.
The destination of my second journey was The Netherlands, where dishes are washed with a brush, bread with hagelslag (chocolate fillings) is a meal, and you have to develop a very strong demi pointe to be able to kiss a man. Fellow Bulgarians usually travel there to collect iron from the streets to sell it again at home. My aim was rather to take professional dance classes and build up muscles. And these were developing pretty well, even though I am still not sure if it was the dancing, the constant biking or all those relevé-s growing my thighs and calves bigger and bigger.
After I had learned that getting involved in the Dutch health care system is scarier than a back flip I moved to Brussels, for the first time out of three, but turns out not all sayings work for everybody.
The second half of 2019 I spent in some "absolutely not for tourists" places of Indonesia and I learned how to fight from the locals, namely the art of pencak silat and NOT ONLY.
Third time in Brussels. I had to run from the police to be able to film a martial art sequence on the completely empty Grand-Place, and it was really exciting while the world was falling apart...
Second time in The Netherlands. I got a coronavirus inspired law degree in Maastricht, while mainly teaching dance and it was hard like a futon, with the worst happenings in between, but I am still here, still fighting, just not pencak silat. I know about the unpleasant for reading black background, but it fits well this period.
Now I am back to Sofia, where it feels like home, it always did.
When I am not emailing insurance companies and tax authorities in three different languages I am working on many things, which are constantly changing, developing, succeeding, falling, failing, exploding and disappearing without any order.
What I also did is: residencies, tiger rolls, exhibition openings, dance critics, spiritual rituals... etc. If you are interested, please contact me by email at miroljuba.petrova@gmail.com, I love to talk about myself.